PONG2020 (inimod) Mac OS

This a personnal project for making a pong that makes us want to play it. I tried to make it with pleasent and juicy visuals. This is not finished, I may will add sounds, special maps that have particularities in their level design and the power to slow the time. MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014), OS X Yosemite (10.10.3) Posted on Oct 22, 2017 10:51 AM.

  1. Pong2020 (inimod) Mac Os X
  2. Mac Os Versions
  3. Pong2020 (inimod) Mac Os Catalina

Please feel free to raise any comments or issues on the website’s Github repository. Pull requests are very much appreciated.

In the following I will go through my post installation steps, i.e. which settings I choose and which apps I install and use.

Basic Steps

Go through welcome screen and create user account

This is self-explanatory. Usually I already set up Online Accounts for Nextcloud.

Change the mirror for getting updates, set locales, get rid of unnecessary languages

I am living in Germany, so I adapt my locales:

Open “language” in “region settings”, do not update these, but first remove the unnecessary ones. Then reopen “languages” and update these.

Install updates and reboot

Mac os versions

Set Hybrid Graphics

Switching Graphics in Pop!_OS is easy: either use the provided extension and restart or run

Get Thunderbolt Dock to work and adjust monitors

I use a Thunderbolt Dock (DELL TB16) with three monitors, which is great but also a bit tricky to set up (see Dell TB16 Archwiki). I noticed that sometimes I just need to plug the USB-C cable in and out a couple of times to make it work (there seems to be a loose contact). Anyways, for me the most important step is to check in “Settings-Privacy-Thunderbolt”, whether the Thunderbolt dock works, so I can rearrange my three monitors in “monitor settings”. I then save this as default for “gdm”:

Restore from Backup

I mount my luks encrypted backup storage drive using nautilus and use rsync to copy over my files and important configuration scripts:

Sync Firefox to access password manager

I use Firefox and like to keep my bookmarks and extensions in sync. Particularly, I use Bitwarden for all my passwords.

SSH keys

If I want to create a new SSH key, I run:

Otherwise, I restore my .ssh folder from my backup. Either way, afterwards, one needs to add the file containing your key, usually id_rsa, to the ssh-agent:

Don’t forget to add your public keys to GitHub, Gitlab, Servers, etc.

Filesystem optimizations: fstrim timer and tlp

Btrfs Async Discard Support Looks To Be Ready For Linux 5.6; however, I am mostly on the 5.4 kernel, so I make sure that discard is not set in either my fstab or crypttab files, and also enable the fstrim.timer systemd service:

Also, there is some debate whether tlp on btrfs is a good choice or should be deactivated. In any case, my laptops have sufficient battery power, so I remove it:

Security steps with Yubikey

I have two Yubikeys and use them

  • as second-factor for all admin/sudo tasks
  • to unlock my luks encrypted partitions
  • for my private GPG key

For this I need to install several packages:

Make sure that OpenPGP and PIV are enabled on both Yubikeys as shown above.

Yubikey: two-factor authentication for admin/sudo password

Let’s set up the Yubikeys as second-factor for everything related to sudo using the common-auth pam.d module:

Yubikey: two-factor authentication for luks partitions

Let’s set up the Yubikeys as second-factor to unlock the luks partitions. If you have brand new keys, then create a new key on them:

PONG2020 (inimod) Mac OS

Now we can enroll both yubikeys to the luks partition:

Yubikey: private GPG key

Let’s use the private GPG key on the Yubikey (a tutorial on how to put it there is taken from Heise or YubiKey-Guide). My public key is given in a file called /home/$USER/.gnupg/public.asc:


Now, as I have a fully encrypted luks system and am the sole user of my computer, I can turn on automatic login in the settings, and afterwards disable the keyring manager by setting a blank password on the login keyring.

Open seahorse, right-click on login, change password, input an empty password. Lastly, select autologin in gnome settings.


Snap support

Enable snap support

System utilities


In case my monitor settings need more tweaking:


A little helper in case my laptop needs to stay up all night

Run caffeine indicator.


Flatseal is a great tool to check or change the permissions of your flatpaks:


In case I need to adjust the partition layout:

Open GParted, check whether it works.


Using gnome tweaks

I like to display my battery life using a percentage, set do nothing on lid close, and add weekday to the clock. Also clicking on the clock I set the location for wheather.


Right-click context menu in nautilus for admin

Timeshift and timeshift-autosnap-apt

Install Timeshift and configure it directly via the GUI for easy and almost instant system snapshots with btrfs:

  • Select “BTRFS” as the “Snapshot Type”; continue with “Next”
  • Choose your BTRFS system partition as “Snapshot Location”; continue with “Next” (even if timeshift does not see a btrfs system in the GUI it will still work, so continue (I already filed a bug report with timeshift))
  • “Select Snapshot Levels” (type and number of snapshots that will be automatically created and managed/deleted by Timeshift), my recommendations:
    • Activate “Monthly” and set it to 1
    • Activate “Weekly” and set it to 3
    • Activate “Daily” and set it to 5
    • Deactivate “Hourly”
    • Activate “Boot” and set it to 3
    • Activate “Stop cron emails for scheduled tasks”
    • continue with “Next”
    • I also include the @home subvolume (which is not selected by default). Note that when you restore a snapshot Timeshift you get the choise whether you want to restore it as well (which in most cases you don’t want to).
    • Click “Finish”
  • “Create” a manual first snapshot & exit Timeshift

Timeshift will now check every hour if snapshots (“hourly”, “daily”, “weekly”, “monthly”, “boot”) need to be created or deleted. Note that “boot” snapshots will not be created directly but about 10 minutes after a system startup. Timeshift puts all snapshots into /run/timeshift/backup. Conveniently, the real root (subvolid 5) of your BTRFS partition is also mounted here, so it is easy to view, create, delete and move around snapshots manually.

Now let’s install timeshift-autosnap-apt from GitHub

After this, optionally, make changes to the configuration file:

For example, as we don’t have a dedicated /boot partition, we can set snapshotBoot=false in the timeshift-autosnap-apt-conf file to not rsync the /boot directory to /boot.backup. Note that the EFI partition is still rsynced into your snapshot to /boot.backup/efi.

Check if everything is working:

Now, if you run sudo apt install remove upgrade dist-upgrade, timeshift-autosnap-apt will create a snapshot of your system with Timeshift.

Virtual machines: Quickemu and other stuff

I used to set up KVM, Qemu, virt-manager and gnome-boxes as this is much faster as VirtualBox. However, I have found a much easier tool for most tasks: Quickqemu which uses the snap package Qemu-virgil:

In case I need the old stuff:



Unfortunately, I still have some use case for Dropbox:

Open dropbox and set it up, check options.


I have all my files synced to my own Nextcloud server, so I need the sync client:

Open Nextcloud and set it up. Recheck options and note to ignore hidden files once the first folder sync is set up.

OpenConnect and OpenVPN

Go to Settings-Network-VPN and add openconnect for my university VPN and openvpn for ProtonVPN, check connections.

Remote desktop

To access our University remote Windows desktop session:

Note that I also add a shortcut launcher.

TigerVNC Viewer

To access my server via VNC I install a very tiny VNC viewer, which works great:


Dynare related packages

I am a developer of Dynare and need these packages to compile it from source and run it optimally ob Ubuntu-based systems:

git related packages:

git is most important, as a GUI for it, I use GitKraken. Also to use lfs on some repositories one needs to initialize it once:

The flatpak version of GitKraken also works perfectly. Open GitKraken and set up Accounts and Settings. Note that in case of flatpak, one needs to add the following Custom Terminal Command: flatpak-spawn --host gnome-terminal %d.


I have a license for MATLAB R2020a, unzipping the installation files in the the home folder and running:

sets up MATLAB perfectly. Note that there is still a shared resources-for-x11-graphics bug, which can be solved by

Run matlab and I change some settings to use Windows type shortcuts on the Keyboard, add mod files as supported extensions, and do not use MATLAB’s source control capabilities.


For teaching and data analysis there is nothing better than R and RStudio. These are the packages I commonly use:

whereas R-Studio needs to be installed from a deb:

Open rstudio, set it up to your liking.

Java via Openjdk

Install the default OpenJDK Runtime Environment:

Visual Studio Code

I am in the process of transitioning all my coding to Visual Studio code:

Pong2020 (inimod) Mac Os X

I still have to decide which extensions I find most usefull.


Latex related packages

I write all my papers and presentations with Latex using mostly TexStudio as editor:

Open texstudio and set it up.


A very good program to visually compare differences between files and folders:

Microsoft Fonts

Sometimes I get documents which require fonts from Microsoft:


I have purchased a license for Master PDF in case I need advanced PDF editing tools:

Open masterpdf and enter license. Also I use flatseal to give the app full access to my home folder.

Softmaker Office

I have a personal license for Softmaker Office, which needs to be installed via deb:

Open it and enter license.


Zotero is great to keep track of the literature I use in my research and teaching. I install it via a flatpak:

Open zotero, log in to account, install extension better-bibtex and sync.



Our Dynare team communication is happening via Mattermost:

Open mattermost and connect to server. I find that the snap works best for me in terms of displaying the icon in the tray.


Skype can be installed either via snap or flatpak. I find the flatpak version works better with the system tray icons:

Open skype, log in and set up audio and video.


Zoom can be installed either via snap or flatpak. I find the flatpak version works better with the system tray icons:

Open zoom, log in and set up audio and video.



The best video player:

Open it and check whether it works.

Multimedia Codecs

Install and compile multimedia codecs:



Open OBS and set it up, import your scenes, etc.

Misc tweaks and settings

Reorder Favorites

I like to reorder the favorites on the gnome launcher such that the program are accessible via shortcuts: CTRL+1 opens the first program, CTRL+2 opens the second one and so on.

Go through all programs

Hit META+A and go through all programs, decide whether you need them or uninstall these.

Change default apps

My default programs:

  • web: firefox
  • email: geary
  • calendar: gnome-calendar
  • musik: vlc
  • video: vlc
  • photos: gnome-photos

Check Startup programs

I have the following startup programs:

  • Caffeine
  • Dropbox
  • Firmware Manager Check
  • ignore-lid-switch-tweak
  • im-launch
  • mattermost-desktop
  • Nextcloud
  • NVIDIA X Server Settings
  • Pop!_OS Release Check
  • SSH-Agent Keyring

Bookmarks for netdrives

Using CTRL+L in nautilus, I can open the following links insider nautilus

  • university netdrive: davs://USER@wiwi-webdav.uni-muenster.de/
  • university cluster sftp://palma2c.uni-muenster.de
  • personal homepage sftp://mutschler.euand add bookmarks to these drives for easy access with nautilus.

History search in terminal using page up and page down

Printer setup

My home printer is automatically detected, but our network printer at work uses samba and needs to be set up manually. First, install some packages:

Go into printer setup and choose the right driver for the printer manually. Also I deactivate cups-browsed as I don’t need constant checking of printers on the network.

Mac Os Versions

Go through Settings

  • Turn off bluetooth
  • Change wallpaper
  • Automatically delete recent files and trash
  • Turn of screen after 15 min
  • Turn on night mode
  • Add online account for Nextcloud
  • Deactivate system sounds, mute mic
  • Turn of suspend, shutdown for power button
  • Turn on natural scrool for mouse touchpad
  • Go through keyboard shortcuts and adapt, I also add a custom one for xkill on CTRL+ALT+X
  • Check region and language, remove unnecessary languages, then update
  • Change clock to 24h format

There are a lot of different tools that we are put up with on a daily basis to ensure that we run our software in an efficient manner. However, most of the users of computers are not aware of the telemetry features that these tools can offer for a user. One such comprehensive software is the toolset from Daemon tools. These daemon tools might be a word that you might have heard very often but also make sure that there are a lot of other aspects to what the daemon tools are perceived.


File Size

Mac OS


Disk Soft Ltd

Overview of DAEMON Tools for Mac OS

There are a lot of technical tools that an avid computer user would require to make the best usage of his computer and that might also include the various side usages he might be using the computer for.

Daemon tools are a complete set of virtual drivers and optical disk configuring programs. Now, these sets of tools apply to almost any type of operating system. As for now, they are primarily available for the windows version as well as the mac version. We would be concentrating more on the mac version of the software package in this article.

The usual format that will help the users to relate to the software is MDX format that you can find at the end of the files. Those are the types of files that are supported by the disc image formats and are probably one of the most commonly used formats for configuring disk images.

There are a lot of definite features that are contained within the software that makes it a highly efficient software and those are the primal reasons as to why the software still remains cool and opted by many.

These features also help you with implementing a wide variety of tools to make sure that the virtual devices that are connected to the system are operating at high efficiency with extreme refresh rates and ultimately no lag. This is why the software is highly preferred by graphic designers and game designers as this will help them to have a very good perception from the beginning of any project.

Features of DAEMON Tools for Mac OS

Hard Disk Drives for your virtual devices

The biggest requirement that you would need for a system, especially for a virtual device, is to store the amount of data that it processes. This software ensures that there are a lot of definite tools that will ensure in setting up a virtual hard disk. The data that is stored in these virtual spaces are also backed up to make sure that you can resume the work from where you left. These are especially important for people who are dealing with design and creation.

Burn all you got

Now we all remember the old optimal way of burning our data onto CD drives and keeping them for safe storage. Well, one of the oldest and elementary features of the systems that we use is the classical data burner. There are a lot of other things that you can burn into any optical storage devices to ensure that your precious work is stored and kept for safe-keeping.

The operating system on a USB

Well, there are a lot of definite things that we can get our hands on and one of the most wanted things that we would expect is to look for a place in which we can store the files of our bootable operating system. The Bootable USB feature is one of the most intricate features that one would look for especially when you are a mac OS user. This will enable you to boot an operating system from a USB storage device. This means that you can run any type of operating system if you have access to the Daemon tools software.

Go crazy on the number of drivers

Well if you are a person who is in desperate need of space, you will definitely need more than the four conventional drivers that come with the usual computer. There are a lot of intricate things that you need to ensure before you install more drivers. If you are doing for the real thing, make sure all the data in the existential drivers are backed up into a reliable source.

Mount complicated devices

When it comes to managing virtual devices, mounting them is a very important aspect and daemon tools have the accessibility to make sure that the data that you are handling with the daemon tools are in a much safer state and with advance mounting, you can mount all the similar virtual devices onto a safer platform.

System requirements for DAEMON Tools for Mac OS

Pong2020 (inimod) Mac Os Catalina

  1. The required operating system: Mac OS X 10.9 or higher versions
  2. 500 MB HDD
  3. 1 GB RAM
  4. Intel Dual-core processor

Download DAEMON Tools for Mac OS

Make sure that you meet the minimum requirements of the system before you proceed with the download. You can download the ISO image file by accessing the link below.