MyDemon Mac OS

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My setup is that my ISP (Demon) provide me with a node which is also the name of the user that my mail account belongs to on their server. In other words, email will be, my web address would be, etc, but I have to log on to the mail server as user node. This means that I can have an infinite number of email addresses set up, but all the mail gets delivered at the ISP's end to the node mailbox and, when I retrieve it, I have to distribute it to the various accounts on my mac (me, the wife, friends and ex roomies, etc).
On my mac at home, I was downloading mail by SMTP using sendmail, after a brief struggle configuring it, and all was well.
Then, I got Demon's ADSL broadband connection. This does not allow you to download mail by anything other than POP3, which sendmail doesn't support. So, I opted for fetchmail.
Read the rest of the article to see how I set it up...
In /etc/mail I created a file called fetchmailrc with permissions 0600, owned by root:wheel. Contents:This runs fetchmail as a daemon as root, polls for mail on the mailserver every two minutes and passes it without changing it at all, as if it was still on the server, to the SMTP listener at port 25. This happens to be sendmail in my case, with the same that I had before the change, and run by its Startupitems setup as sendmail -bd -q2m.
I tar-ed and copied the sendmail Startupitems directory to make a Fetchmail equivalent and changed every single place that contained 'sendmail' to 'fetchmail' and changed the actual startup line appropriately for what I wanted. Here is the file:This makes sure that fetchmail logs where I want it to and uses the root (global) fetchmailrc and doesn't spew too much into the logfile.
Also, here is the StartupParameters.plist file:Fetchmail hands all the incoming mail off to sendmail and sendmail distributes it to the relevant /var/mail files as it did before - it doesn't know that anything has changed!

Ouch - Demon's mailserver puts a load of crud into the Received lines of the mail messages, and fetchmail cannot decipher these sometimes. For example, I forward all my mail to my demon mail address from so this mail gets the recipient part translated to which is shown in the recipient line.

My Demon Mac Os Catalina

2005/5/21 update: John Simpson has informed me that Prof. Bernstein's standard installation instructions work with MacOS X Tiger, so if you're using Tiger you don't need to use these instructions.

2005/9/20 update: I should also note that a bug in the Tiger kernel breaks daemontools. I described it here. The workaround is simple:


Then recompile and reinstall.

These steps will guide you through installing daemontools 0.76 on MacOS X 10.1.1. Steps that differ significantly from Dan Bernstein's installation instructions are in red if your browser supports CSS. Please send comments and corrections to

MyDemon Mac OS

Mac Os Mojave

  1. Install the BSD Subsystem package from the MacOS X install CD, if you have not already done so.

  2. Open a Terminal window. The Terminal application is in the Utilities folder, which is in the Applications folder.

  3. Become root:

    You will probably need to type in your password (not root's password) after running the sudo command.

  4. Create the /service directory:

    We do this now to prevent the daemontools installer from doing a step that does not work on MacOS X.

  5. Create the /package directory and change to it:
  6. Download daemontools-0.76.tar.gz:
  7. Unpack the daemontools package:
  8. Set the compiler and linker commands:

    After this step, conf-cc should contain this:

    and conf-ld should contain this:

  9. Compile and install daemontools:

    Normally this step would create /service and append two lines to /etc/rc.local. However, MacOS X does not use /etc/rc.local. Since we already created /service, package/install will not try to create it or modify /etc/rc.local.

  10. Create a new subdirectory named /System/Library/StartupItems/ServiceScanner, and change to that directory:
  11. Create a shell script named ServiceScanner to start svscan:

    Be very careful to include the & at the end of the svscanboot line. If you leave that out, your system will hang while booting and you'll have to boot in single-user mode (by holding down Command-S during during the boot sequence) to fix it.

  12. Create a property list file named StartupParameters.plist describing the new startup item:
  13. Reboot.

My Demon Mac Os X

You can check that svscan is running using the ps command. For example: