Gotagotchi Mac OS

Game Details: Welcome to the Gothic 2 Mac game page. This page contains information + tools how to port Gothic 2 so you can play it on your Mac just like a normal application using Crossover.So if you haven’t Crossover yet, then sign up here and buy the program or if you want to test it first, for the 14 days trial. Or use the Porting Kit alternative. I just bought the game for mac-os (Catalina 10.15.7). I unzipped it and launched the game, but the system tells me it's not possible to open the application! Can you p lease help me? GarageHeathen 191 days ago. Hello, this might help: Reply. AndreaTupacMollica 190 days ago (+1) Yeah! It worked, thanks!


Use the GoToAssist Expert Desktop App (Mac)

Agents can download and install the GoToAssist Expert desktop application for Mac to host attended and unattended support sessions with customers on their computer. Once installed, agents can launch the application to see the GoToAssist Viewer , where they can see the customer's screen and use the options in the Viewer toolbar to support customers.

Once the GoToAssist Expert desktop application is installed, it will automatically launch. The desktop app is made up of 2 basic components, as follows:

  • Use the Viewer window and its features.
  • Use the Application menu and its features.

Use the Viewer window

The Viewer window is the main application window of the GoToAssist Remote Support software. It features a persistent toolbar along the top of the GoToAssist application window that allows agents to use all the available session tools, as well as options in the Application menu.

Use the Application menu

Mac agents can find and open the application to access an additional menu in the top navigation called the Application menu, which includes the options listed below. Please note that you must click on the GoToAssist Expert application in order for 'GoToAssist Expert' to appear as the active application in the Menu bar.

Features from the Viewer toolbar and Application menu

Note: Drawing tools is not supported on the agent desktop app for Mac. Additionally, features marked with *** are only available when connected in a support session with a Windows computer.

  • Start an Attended Support Session

    • From the Viewer toolbar, click the Session icon and select Start Session to create a new attended support session.
    • From the Application menu, select Session > Start Support Session.
  • Join a Session

    • From the Viewer toolbar, click the Session icon and select Join Session to join an attended session as a customer, or join an existing session hosted by another agent (i.e., session collaboration).
    • From the Application menu, select Session > Join Session.
  • Invite Technicians

    • From the left navigation of the Viewer toolbar, click the Session Settings icon and select Invite Technicians, then choose Copy Session URL or Email Session URL to invite another agent to your active session.
    • From the Application menu, select Session > Invite Technicians > Copy Session URL or Email Session URL.
  • Manage and Connect to Unattended Support Computers

    • From the Viewer toolbar, click the Unattended Support icon and select View Unattended Computers to view your list of Unattended Support Computers and manage or connect to them.
    • From the Application menu, select Window > My Unattended Computers.
  • Use Screen Sharing

    • From the Viewer toolbar, click the Screen Sharing icon and select View Customer's Screen, Share My Screen, Stop Screen Sharing, Blank Screen***, or any of the additional Viewer sizing options in the menu as your screen sharing options.
    • From the Application menu, select Screen Sharing > View Customer's Screen, Share My Screen, Stop Screen Sharing, or Blank Screen***.
  • Reboot or Reboot in Safe Mode***

    • From the Viewer toolbar, click the Tools icon and select Reboot or Reboot in Safe Mode*** to begin the process of rebooting your customer's computer.
    • From the Application menu, select Tools > Reboot or Reboot in Safe Mode***.
  • Run as a Service***

    • From the Viewer toolbar, click the Tools icon and select Upgrade to Run as a Service to allow the support session to run as a service (instead of an application) and gain access additional features during your session.
    • From the Application menu, select Tools > Upgrade to Run as a Service.
  • Set Up Unattended Support

    • From the Viewer toolbar, click the Unattended Support icon and select Set Up Unattended Support to begin the process of installing unattended access on the customer's computer.
    • From the Application menu, select Tools > Set Up Unattended Support.
  • Send Ctrl-Alt-Delete***

    • From the Viewer toolbar, click the Ctrl-Alt-Del icon to instantly send the Ctrl-Alt-Delete command to the customer's computer.
    • From the Application menu, select Tools > Send Ctrl-Alt Delete.
  • Send Chat Messages

    • From the Viewer toolbar, click the Chat icon to launch the Chat window on the agent side and send chat messages to the customer.
    • From the Application menu, select, Window > Chat.
  • Create Session Notes

    • From the Viewer toolbar, click the Notes icon to launch the Notes window and create session notes.
    • From the Application menu, select Window > Notes.
  • Run Diagnostic Reports

    • From the Viewer toolbar, click the Diagnostics icon to gather diagnostic report information about the customer's computer.
    • From the Application menu, select Window > Diagnostics.
  • Use File Transfer

    • From the Viewer toolbar, click the File Transfer icon and select Send Files to..., Get Files from..., or Display Status as your file transfer options.
    • From the Application menu, select File Transfer > Send Files to..., Get Files from..., or Display Status.
  • Preferences

    • From the Viewer toolbar, click the Preferences icon to use the Preferences options to determine how you want Remote Support to perform.
    • From the Application menu, select GoToAssist Expert > Preferences.
  • Check for Update

    • From the Application menu, select GoToAssist Expert > Check for Update to manually scan for new updates for the agent application. Please note that you must close all active sessions in order to select Check for Update, otherwise this option will be grayed out.

Some things I wish I’d known when I switched from Windows XP to Mac OS X. Warning: crankiness ahead.

In January 2009 I switched from Windows XP to Mac OS X. I’d used Windows for years—even had a copy of Windows 1.0!—but this was my first experience with Mac OS. For the most part the transition has been easy, but there were a few minor problems.

  • Line endings. In Windows text files, lines end with a CRLF pair; in Mac OS X, lines end with LF. I had to go through all my Perl scripts (dozens of ’em) to change the line endings. This wasn’t a big deal; I had to go through them anyway to change the location of the Perl interpreter.

    What was a problem was a legacy application. In the old days, Mac apps used CR to separate lines. Most apps have been updated, but not all. It took me quite a while to figure out that Eudora 6.2.4 for Mac expected CR, not LF.

    (This problem bit me again when I made this page. The script I use for this purpose broke due to differing line endings.)

  • nouchg. The data from my old PC was backed up on an external hard disk, which I attached to the new Mac. I copied most of its contents to the Mac’s drive, but something screwy happened; some Web scripts run from my local copy of Apache would fail. Eventually I discovered the Web files I’d copied from the external hard drive had the nouchg flag set. ls -A didn’t reveal this; I only found it when I noticed a tiny lock in the lower corner of the icons for the files and folders in the Web directory. Even after fixing the problem, I’m still amazed by the paucity of tools for dealing with OS X’s extended file attributes. (Tip: man chflags)

  • Single app instances only! Unless an OS X app is designed to handle multiple documents, one is all you get. You can’t run multiple instances of the same application. So if your video playback software doesn’t allow you to view multiple files simultaneously, you’ll need to install another video player just to compare two videos.

  • Finder is pathetic. Select a folder far down in a directory tree. Type shift-command-N to create a new folder. Where’s the new folder? Not in the selected folder. No, it’s in the root of the tree! You have to drag the new folder to its intended location. While this would be annoying under any circumstances, it’s much more so when you’re dealing with folders that have dozens or hundreds of subfolders. Like, say, a music collection.

    The weird thing is that if you change from list view to column view, directories are created in the expected place. But it’s annoying to have to switch between views just to create a directory where you want.

    And what's with the completely inconsistent Finder, Open, and Save dialogs? I hate having to search each box to figure out how to get to a parent directory.

    I’ve only been using Mac OS X for a couple of months, but I’m already looking for a replacement for Finder. That’s sad.

  • Click to activate a window. Unlike Windows, the first mouseclick on an inactive window isn’t sent to the application. Instead, it activates the window. It takes a second click to actually tell the app to do something. I’m sure I’ll get used to this behavior eventually, but right now it keeps catching me. “Why isn’t this app doing something? I just clicked on it!”

    This explains one reason iTunes was so annoying on Windows: because it retained the first-click-activates behavior on an operating system where no other application behaved that way. Way to go, Apple programmers, for disregarding UI guidelines.

  • Trash is... different. In OS X, the trash can is only as large as your smallest volume, because trashed files from all volumes are consolidated into a single trash can. This makes using small flash drives annoying; when you empty the trash to free space on the flash drive, everything else in the trash disappears.

    Using Windows and its per-volume trash cans, I’ve learned to rely on the fact that files usually reside in the trash for months. OS X forces me to empty trash every few weeks. While that might offer a marginal increase in system performance, the window for recovering accidentally deleted files has shrunk by an order of magnitude.

    I could move unwanted files to a pre-trash staging directory, but (1) the OS doesn’t support that, and (2) every time I consider deleting a file, I’d have to decide whether it’s really safe to delete it, or whether I might need it again some day. Who wants to think about something so trivial? UI design principle: don't distract me from the task at hand.

  • Menu, menu, where’s the menu? Apple’s decision to split the menu bar from the document window was a benefit when Macs were first designed: no matter which document you were editing, just throw the mouse to the top of the screen and you’re at the menu. Jakob Nielsen would have been pleased.

    But those days are long ago, and today people use multiple displays. I tend to do my word processing on my second display. This is fine until I need to use the menu, whereupon I have to move the mouse to the top left of the primary display to find the menu. Yup, all menus are rooted in the same place, not at the top of the display containing the active document.

    At least on Windows, there’s a dedicated and easy-to-reach key that moves the focus to the menu. On OS X? You have to hit Ctrl-F2 or Ctrl-Fn-F2, depending on your setup. Keyboard remapping is the only sane solution. [Oh, good gravy. I just noticed that the dim/brighten display keys affect only the iMac’s monitor, not additional displays. That’s just sad.]

Gotagotchi mac os 11

None of this stops me from using the Mac... it just makes the experience annoying.

Gotagotchi Mac Os 11

One frustrating part of the switch was discovering that Eudora on the Mac—and every mail client I looked at—was unable to run an external script when a filter fired. I didn't want to give up this feature, since I use scripts to handle things like automatic whitelisting. Eventually I discovered launchd, OS X's replacement for cron. It lets you run a script when a folder changes. I set up a general 'automation' folder, with subfolders for each script I run. Now instead of Eudora running scripts, it copies messages to folders that launchd watches, and launchd runs the appropriate script. Seems to work.

Gotagotchi Mac Os X

Now I just need to find an OS X replacement for Lotus/IBM Word Pro. OpenOffice is close but not quite there. I may have to accept its minor deficiencies, though, for lack of a better alternative.

Last updated 15 August 2009
All contents ©2009 Mark L. Irons

Gotagotchi Mac Os Download

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